Class Project


Group Assignment 

As part of the OER project approved by CTLET, students will compile a list of annotated resources that promote cross cultural understanding, diversity and inclusion, multiculturalism and racial equity. These references should come naturally from the student’s final written paper of resources that each student consulted while working on their paper. Students can add to this page anytime. These will be cross checked when students turn in the assignment at the end of the semester and will be uploaded on the CUNY Academic Commons page created for the course located here: 


The 1st document is the annotated bibliography – group assignment; while the 2nd document are a selection of final exam paper from the spring of 2021 – individual assignment. In week 15, I have posted another OER project final papers from a previous CLDV 100 course in the Fall of 2020. Please keep in mind that these are [unedited] student writings / essays. Credit as applicable. For additional questions, you may contact me: [email protected] from the Spring of 2021.

Week 1  Intro to Cultural Diversity 

The significance culture has on our life by Cardoso S / [Cardoso S. Final Paper]

Week 2  Cultural Artifacts 
Week 3  Culture and Society 

Religion and how it has affected the Political Culture of Montenegro by Tosic, D

Week 4  Elements of Culture  

Cultural America: Melting Pot or Salad Bowl? by Mejia B

Week 5  Norms and Values 

The Impact of Religion Views on Culture and Values by Amoah, H. / [Amoah Final Paper]

Week 6  Socialization 

How socialization develops our society by Castro V / [Castro V. Final Paper]

Week 7  Social Interaction 

Problem Caused By Cultural differences and Resolution by Hong T / [Hong T Final Paper]

Week 8   Verbal/Non-Verbal Communication:   Gestures and expressions  
Week 9  Verbal Communication: Language 
Week 10  Cultural Relativism / Universalism / Ethnology 

Cultural Relativism and Ethnocentrism by Mulic A / [Mulic A. Final Paper]

Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism by Alcazar, A.

Week 11  Race and Ethnicity:   Individualism vs Collectivism / Majority vs Minority 

Racism in the United States by Sawagado P. / [Sawagado P – Final Paper]

Week 12  Race and Ethnicity: Prejudice, Stereotypes, Discrimination 

Stereotyping Immigrants in the US by Diallo, F. / [Diallo F – Final Paper]

The people of the earth are one family, We are Diverse but united by Purmina S / [Purnima S. Final Paper]

Week 13  Gender / Sexuality / Sex: Stereotypes, Roles, Expectations:

Gender Inequality and Sex Based Discrimination by Alexis, M. / [Alexis M – Final Paper]

Gender Inequality and the Impact on Women’s Lives by Hernandez J / [Hernandez J Final Paper]

Week 14  Culture and Technology 
Week 15  Diversity: The Individual and Society / Multi-Cultural Education 

CLDV 100 Fall 2020 Section 30194 final exam on “Diversity and the Need for Multi Cultural Education”:

Fall 2020: Individual paper

1] Ambris A / 2] Balkaran S / 3] Benson A / 4] Dawa K / 5]  George A / 6] Joya / 7] Reyes A / 8] Rocke R / 9] Tepale A/ 10] Zanib N

Fall 2019: Group ppt presentations

SECTION 1 [C – 29451]

1] Cultural Diversity

2] Cultural Diversity – Societal Roles

3] Inter Cultural Relations

4] What characteristics of culture race and ethnicity may play a key role in diversity

5] What is your understanding about terms diversity and Inclusion in Education

SECTION 2 [G – 29453]: 

1] Different Roles in Multi Cultural Education

2] Diversity and inclusion in the education system

3] Importance of Cultural Diversity

4] What are some ways to implement multiculturalism in our society

5] The Characteristics of Culture Race and Ethnicity

 Language, Immigration, and Geography

Discussion Prompt: Impressions of Immigration – each person will share in 2 minutes the info about their immigration collage in class. You will post a copy here.

Using a photo compilation application (like Pic Stitch or Pic Jointer, which are free apps to download), create a photo collage of a minimum of three pictures that represent things that shape your views of immigration.  These can be images that come to mind when you think of immigration or images that represent things that have helped form the way you consider immigration today. Upload your photo into a comment here, and then provide a three to four sentence description of the images you chose and why.

Immigration Collage 1 Immigration Collage 2 Immigration Collage 3 Immigration Collage 4 Immigration Collage 5 Immigration Collage 6 Immigration Collage 7 Immigration Collage 8 Immigration Collage 9 Immigration Collage 10 Immigration Collage 11 Immigration Collage 12

Immigration Collage 14

PPT presentations.

Revised student presentations will be posted on the CUNY Academic Commons page which is licensed under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 to 


Spring 2024 

Section T

Artifact by Roheni

Cultural Assimilation of Bangladeshi students in America by Mohd Rafinur

From Barbados to NYC by Teandra

From the Caribbean to the US by Payoshni

My Cross Cultural Dominican Republic Experiences by Mauricia

My Experiences from Kingston Jamaica to Jamaica NY by Dantae

My Family’s Migration Experience from Mexico to NYC by Jennifer

My Haitian and USA Experiences by Jordan

My Intergenerational Cross-Cultural Experiences in the Caribbean by DeSean

Section E

Pakistani-American Muslim by SaraA Ghanian in NYC by VanessaAn American Bengali by Mohammed HAn Egyptian Muslim in NYCBeing Bengali in America For my Parents versus Me by MaisaGuayana to the USA 2 by SaraswatiGuyana to the USA by MohammedLife in Jamaica before USA – NY by RylanMy Acculturation Story in America by ModupeolaMy Cross Cultural Experiences Traveling from Puerto Rico to NYC by AnyelisMy Cross-Culture Experiences in the Bahamas by EstelleMy dad journey from Nigeria to the USA by EcheMy Diversity and Cross Cultural Story in NYC by Swarswati BhattaMy Ecuadorian Experiences in NYC by JohnMy Family Migration Experience from Barbados to the US by TerrellMy parents Guyanese Experiences in NYC by AlishaMy-Journey-from-Haiti-to-the-US by GustensenPakistani-American Muslim by Sara

Fall 2022: “My Culture Shock Experiences in New York”

Section C

A in New York  / A Guyanese in New York  / A Hindu from Guyana  / A Jamaican in America /  A Nigerian in New York /  A Tajikistan in AmericaAn African American in a Spanish and Black CommunityAn African American in Harlem  / An American in Ireland  / From India to New York From Puerto Rico to New York City  / From South Carolina to Brooklyn New YorkFrom the Ivory Coast to New York  / Guyana vs New York

Section F

A Guyanese in New York  / A Jamaican in New York  / A Pakistani in New York  / A Puerto Rican and Dominican Life in NYC  / A Sudanese in New York  / A Tibetan in New York  / An African American in Harlem  / Ghana Vs The United States 2  / Ghana vs US  / My Chinese American Experiences  / My Cross Cultural Experiences around New York City  / My Dominican vs US Experiences  / My Mexican and US Experiences  / My Pakistani and US Experiences


Fall 2021: “My Cross Cultural Experiences vs USA”. For this assignment, students will make a comparison about their cross cultural experiences in other countries vs life in their various communities in the US. 

  1. A Taste of Rythms and dance from Africa by Monica B /
  2. American – Guayana and P Rico by Anil M
  3. Antigua vs USA by Navaeh F /
  4. Bangladesh by Nadira C /
  5. Bangladeshi Culture by Shemeta N
  6. Colombia vs USA by Kelsey R /
  7. Culture of Bangladesh by Shebab S
  8. Dominican Rep and Ecuador by Madeline V /
  9. Dominican Rep and USA
  10. El Salvador and US by Ashley M /
  11. Guayana and the US Cross Cultural Experiences by Renee Jones
  12. Guayana and the US Cross Cultural Experiences by Renee J /
  13. Guayana vs USA by Aklema P
  14. Guayana vs USA by Britney S /
  15. Mexico and by Monserrat C
  16. Montenegro by Alisa H /
  17. My Afro American Culture by Karla R /
  18. My Nigerian and American Experience by Precious A
  19. St Lucia by Keshina H /
  20. Trinidad and Dominican Republic by Riana R /
  21. Uruguay and USA by Michelle T

Final Paper samples: Fall 2021

  1. Black Women and Gender Inequality by Karla R
  2. Culture and Diversity by Aklema P
  3. Culture and Conflict by Dangelina P
  4. Culture and Discrimination by Keshina H
  5. Culture vs Conflict by Anil M
  6. Diversity and Multi Cultural Education by Shemeta N
  7. Eastern and Western Culture by Trianon M
  8. Gender Inequality and Roles in Culture by Britney S
  9. Identity Crisis Within Culture by Madeline V
  10. Monserrat Chavez FINAL CLVD100
  11. Prejudice Race and Ethnicity in the American Society by Monserrat Chavez
  12. Sex and Gender Inequality by Nevaey F
  13. Sexual Inequality and Gender Discrimination by Chowdhury N
  14. Society and Social Interaction – adapting to Montenegrin and American Culture by Alisa H
  15. What are Cultural Values by Riana R
  16. What is Culture by Kelsey R
  17. Why Culture Matters by Asheley M


For this assignment, students were asked to share their various cross cultural experiences and how they overcame “culture shock” or how they learned to “adapt to other cultures”.

1] Abreu C / 2] Alexis M / 3] Amoah A / 4] Cardoso S / 5] Castro V / 6] Diallo F / 7] Hernandez J / 8] Hong T / 9] Mejia B / 10] Mendez G / 11] Quispi / 12] Valcourt J

Fall 2020: “MY CULTURE”

For this assignment, students were asked to share “their culture” with the class to promote “mutual understanding”.

1] Ambris K / 2] Balkaran S / 3] Dawa K / 4] Ferdinand S J / 5] George A / 6] Joya B S / 7] Labourt R / 8] Louis C / 9] Pizzini D / 10] Rocke R / 11] Reyes A / 12] Quito S / 13]  Tepale A / 14] Toribio A / 15] Zainib N


For this assignment, students were asked to pair up with another student from a background or culture different from theirs and to “experience the other person’s culture” and then make a presentation and comparing their experiences with their own cultures to understand “differences or similarities”.

SECTION 1 [C – 29451]

1] Our Cultural Differences / 2] Cultural_Diversity_Between_Guyana_and_Philippines / 3] P.R and Bangladesh / 4] Hindu and Dominican Culture / 5] France_and_Jamaica / 6] Guyana and Philippines / 7] Mexico and Panama / 8] DR and Guayana / 9] Nepal – Tibet and Guayana / 10] Bangladesh and Jamaica

SECTION 2 [G – 29453]

1] Jamaica and DR / 2] Ghana and Bangladesh / 3] Malaysia vs Dominican Republic / 4] Nigeria and Guayana / 5] Guayana and the Philippines / 6] Ghana and DR / 7] Guayana and Jamaica / 8] US and Guyana / 9] Dominica – USA – Tibet and India